Startup Weekend

Reading the intro, it became clear that their startup story was in starting Startup Weekend itself! The story goes that one of them really wanted to do a startup and began working on one, heard about startup weekend, and decided to join the core group and make that his startup. From their website: Startup Weekend is a global network of passionate leaders and entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, educate, and empower individuals, teams and communities. Come share ideas, form teams, and launch startups.

  1. Startup Weekend Ksa
  2. Startup Weekend India

Startup Weekends are weekend-long, hands-on experiences where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can find out if startup ideas are viable. On average, half of Startup Weekend’s attendees have technical or design backgrounds, the other half have business backgrounds.Beginning with participant pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts.

Due to ongoing COVID-19 safety restrictions, all events, activities, networking, and presentations will be held online.

Join us to connect and learn about entrepreneurship, technologies and meet startups making a difference in Rhode Island.

Startup Weekend

Learn, Answer, Meet, Greet, Celebrate, Innovate, Explore

Join us for the second annual Rhode Island Startup Weekend! Hosted completely online you can attend workshops, connect with experts, find solutions to problems, and discover exciting RI startups and meet their founders. November 20th and 21st, the RI innovation ecosystem will come together and we want you to be a part of it!

An evening exploring and celebrating the emergence of eSports and eSports technology. Featuring a charity live stream with an ‘eSports’ star via Twitch. We’ll also focus on giving back with a chance to donate to the RI Community Food Bank.

Startup Weekend Ksa

Then a day filled with learning, networking, and discovery! Two different tracks plus the RI Startup Showcase!


Want to participate in the 2020 RI Startup Showcase!?

Adcock’s piece uses bright colors to bring to life the vibrancy of the Austin music scene and is drawn from her life here in the Live Music Capital of the World. We were so inspired by the content and the colors of “Gemstone Guitar” and how they reflect springtime in Austin. Welcome to Adcock Games Update #3(11/1/2017) I haven't done much with this site while I have been at university, but I will try to add games here and there. Please continue to leave requests and I will try my best! Adcock Games by: Austin Adcock: Home All Games New Games Blog To choose a game simply pick one from the home page or from the drop down menu! To choose a game. Adcock Games by: Austin Adcock: Home All Games New Games Blog General chat. Feel free to talk and make friends! 5/5/2014 2 Comments 2 Comments. Adcock Games by: Austin Adcock: Home All Games New Games Blog Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. How to raise a dragonadcock games by: austin adcock youtube.

Startup Weekend India

Adam Alpert,
Hamzah Ansari, Brown Univ
Kathy Bazinet, IBM
Sangeeth Bhadran, IBM
Lisa Carnevale, DesignXRI
Dieny Charlot, RIHub
Jennifer Dionne, IBM
Amy Erikson, Innovation Studio
Sergio Ferreira, Tech Collective
David Hirschman, Blueprint
Dylan Kennedy, RIHub
Siu-Li Khoe, CommerceRI
Matt Lukens, Mansfield Northern
Arnell Milhouse, Career Devs
Liz Murphy, Ritual Motion
Mia Nolan, RIHub
Pat Sabatino, Datarista
Nick Scappatici, Tellart
Shannon Shallcross, BetaXanalytics
Dominik Stripe, IBM
Ted Weil, RIHub