Semester 1ap Calculus


AP Calculus AB First Semester Final Exam B Name 1. If 2 ( ) 144 16 h t t t = − represents the height of a ball at time t, then which of the following is false? The velocity at 3 t = is 48. The acceleration at 3 t = is 32 −. The maximum height reached is 320 feet. Unit 6 national and regional growthmr. mac's room 2. The ball hits the ground when 9 t =. The velocity at 4 t. Calculus helps scientists, engineers, and financial analysts understand the complex relationships behind real-world phenomena. Le papillon downloadkeyclever. The equivalent of an introductory college-level calculus course, AP Calculus AB prepares students for the AP exam and further studies in science, engineering, and mathematics.

What do you need to fall in love with Calculus and get a 5 on AP Exam?

1. Informative Calculus Lectures in Powerpoint format.We offer you keynotes (ppt style )lectures!
2. Practice problems!They are in your textbook.Do your homework!!!
3. Effective review before the AP Exam. We offer you a book with 6 full BC Multiple Choice Exams and a book with 6 full - AB Multiple-Choice Exams!

4. Practice with Free Responses Problems. Download some from AP Central - we'll give you the link to their site.

How can we help?


Ap Calculus Bc Semester 1 Review

Our Interactive Books, AP Calculus Interactive Lectures Vol.1 and Vol.2 provide all of the necessary materials and resources to hone your skills and get a 5 on the AP Test.Our books are written by a teacher who has been teaching AP Calculus BC for 20 years. She teaches 3 full AP Calculus BC classes per year and her students' AP scores speak for themselves: On average, 94 % of her students get fives and 100%pass the AP Calculcus BC Exam every year. Please read on and investigate our tools that are changing students' lives!

Semester 1 Ap Calculus Multiple Choice

Also available: Kindle and Paperback versions of these books. The titles of these books in both Kindle and Paperback formats are 'AP Calculus BC Lecture Notes' and 'AP Calculus AB Lecture Notes'.
​You can order them here or on Amazon.
Semester 1 ap calculus frq
Our workbooks, Multiple Choice Questions to Prepare for the AP Calculus BC(or AB) Exam are your essential tools to scoring well on AP Calculus Exam. These books fit the College Board requirements for the 2021 AP Exam, and reflect all the recent changes in the AP Calculus BC and AB curriculum and the AP Exam format.

These books are created with the student in mind. They are meant to reinforce key skills, such as attention to detail, to review all types of exam problems, and to have the optimal number of each specific problem type reviewed. It provides the reader with comprehensive practice, which will help the student gain confidence, knowledge and test taking skills necessary to do well on the AP Exam.
The exams in this book are in the same format as the Multiple-choice section of the actual AP Exam. The problems in these exams are similar in their level of difficulty, wording and variety to those on the AP Exam. The Answer Key is included. The solutions with step-by-step explanations to each and every problem created in the form of PowerPoint presentation are available for ordering here: AB Solutions and BC Solutions.
The reference section of the book contains formulas and theorems needed for the AP test, which are carefully chosen, conveniently organized and easy to access and view.
Another important feature of this book is a collection of effective tips for the AP Test, which helps the reader to avoid common mistakes, flaws and misconceptions. These helpful tips have been collected by the author over the years and shared with her own students, and are now being shared with you.
To be ready for Calculus, you need to learn Pre-Calculus well. To get to the college of your choice, you need to learn the topics needed for taking the SAT Math Exam.

Mathboat's other awesome books are called Pre-Calculus and SAT Interactive Lectures (ebook on iTunes IBookstore or Kindle on Amazon) or Pre-Calculus with Limits Lecture Notes Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (paperback) These books contain PowerPoint Presentations(ebook) or printouts of more than 100 Powerpoint presentations(paperback) on topics covered by the Pre-Calculus course. These lecture notes can be used for both review and learning, and are a perfect fit for every student no matter their current knowledge of Pre-Calculus.
Before you begin practicing with multiple-choice problems from the SAT book, you need to get a confident understanding of the Pre-Calculus material. This book is intended to help you do that.

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AP Calculus AB - 1st Semester
Unit 1 - Limits and Continuity
Week 0

Zoom Meetings on 8/12, 8/13, and 8/14 at 10:45 AM
Meeting ID: 315 776 7806 Password: mryaton
Video on Introduction to Limits (Due on 8/12)
Introduction to Limits Self-Assessment (Due on 8/12)
Video on Finding Limits Graphically (Due on 8/13)
Finding Limits Graphically Self-Assessment (Due on 8/13)

Week 1
Video on Estimating Limits from Tables (Due on 8/16)
Estimating Limits from Tables Self-Assessment
(Due 8/16)
Video on Finding Limits Algebraically(Due on 8/17)
Finding Limits Algebraically Self-Assessment(Due 8/17)
Associating Limits w/ Graphical Behavior (8/19 in class)
Kuta - Limits at Removable Discontinuities (8/19 in class)
Selecting Procedures for Evaluating Limits (8/20 in class)
Kuta - Limits at Jump Discontinuities (8/20 in class)

Week 1 - Unit 1 Limits Quiz (8/21)
Week 2
Video on Types of Discontinuities(Due on 8/23)
Types of Discontinuities Self-Assessment (Due on 8/23)
Video on Defining Continuity at a Point(Due on 8/24)
Defining Continuity at a Point Self-Assessment(Due 8/24)
Video on Continuity over an Interval(Due on 8/25)
Continuity over an Interval Self-Assessment(Due 8/25)
Continuity Practice Set (8/26 in class)
Establishing Continuity for EVT and IVT (8/27 in class)

Week 2 - Unit 1 - Limits Quiz (8/28)
Week 3
Limits at Infinity of Graphs Video (Due on 8/30)
Limits at Infinity of Graphs Self-Assessment (Due on 8/30)
Limits at Infinity of Quotients Video (Due on 8/31)
Limits at Infinity of Quotients Self-Assessment (Due 8/31)
Limits Practice Set 1 (9/1 in class)

Intermediate Value Theorem Video (Due on 9/1)
Intermediate Value Theorem Self-Assessment (Due 9/1)

Unit 1 - Limits Test (9/4)
Unit 2 - Differentiation: Definition and Basic Derivative Rules
Week 4
Average Rate of Change Video (Due on 9/7)
Average Rate of Change Self-Assessment
(Due on 9/7)
Estimating the Rate of Change Video (Due on 9/8)
Estimating the Rate of Change Self-Assessment (Due 9/8)
Instantaneous RoC Using Limits Video (Due 9/9)
Instant. RoC Using Limits Self-Assessment (Due 9/9)
Week 4 - Unit 2 - Differentiation Quiz (9/11)
Week 5
Defining the Derivative of a Function Video (Due on 9/13)
Defining the Derivative Self-Assessment (Due on 9/13)
Differentiability & Continuity Video (Due on 9/13)
Differentiability & Continuity Self-Assessment (Due 9/13)
Derivatives & the Power Rule Video (Due on 9/13)
Derivatives & the Power Rule Self-Assessment (Due 9/13)
Derivatives at a Point Video (Due on 9/14)
Derivatives at a Point Self-Assessment
(Due on 9/14)
Manipulating Before Differentiating Video (Due on 9/15)
Manip Before Differentiating Self-Assessment
(Due 9/15)
Derivatives of sin x, cos x, e^x, ln x Video (Due on 9/16)
Deriv of sin x, cos x, e^x, ln x Self-Assessment (Due 9/16)
Week 5 - Unit 2 - Differentiation Quiz (9/18)
Week 6
The Product Rule Video (Due on 9/20)
The Product Rule Self-Assessment
(Due on 9/20)
The Quotient Rule Video (Due on 9/21)
The Quotient Rule Self-Assessment(Due on 9/21)
Differentiation Rules with Tables (9/23 in class)
Going Off on a Tangent (9/24 in class)

Week 6 - Unit 2 - Differentiation Quiz (9/25)
Week 7
Finding Derivatives of tan, cot, sec, cot Video (Due 9/27)
Finding Deriv of tan, cot, sec, cot Self-Assess (Due 9/27)

Unit 2 - Differentiation Test (10/2)
Unit 3 - Differentiation: Composite, Implicit, and Inverse Functions
Week 8
The Chain Rule Video (Due 10/4)
The Chain Rule Self-Assessment
(Due 10/4)
The Chain Rule with Tables Video (Due 10/5)
The Chain Rule with Tables Self-Assessment (Due 10/5)
Implicit Differentiation Video (Due 10/6)
Implicit Differentiation Self-Assessment(Due 10/6)
Kuta Chain Rule Practice (10/6 in class)
Kuta Chain Rule with Trig Practice (10/6 in class)

Week 9
Differentiating Inverse Functions Video (Due on 10/11)
Differentiating Inverse Funct Self-Assessment (Due 10/11)
Differentiating Inverse Trig Functions Video (Due 10/12)
Differentiating Inverse Trig Self-Assessment (Due 10/12)
Calculating Higher-Order Deriv Video (Due on 10/13)
Calculating Higher-Order Deriv Self-Assess (Due 10/13)
Implicit Differentiation Practice (10/13 in class)

Unit 3 - Differentiation Test (10/16)
Unit 4 - Contextual Applications of Differentiation
Week 10
Contextual Meaning of Derivatives Video (Due on 10/18)
Contextual Meaning of Deriv Self-Assess (Due on 10/18)
Straight-Line Motion Video (Due on 10/19)
Straight-Line Motion Self-Assessment (Due on 10/19)

Related Rates Video (Due on 10/20)
Related Rates Self-Assessment (Due on 10/20)
Week 11
Local Linearity and Linearization Video (Due on 10/25)
Local Linearity & Linearization Self-Assess (Due on 10/25)
L'Hospital's Rule Video (Due on 10/26)
L'Hospital's Rule Self-Assessment (Due on 10/26)
Unit 4 - Contextual Applications Test (10/30)
Unit 5 - Analytical Applications of Differentiation
Week 12
Mean Value Theorem Video (Due on 11/1)
Mean Value Theorem Self-Assessment (Due on 11/1)
Extreme Value Theorem Video (Due on 11/1)
Extreme Value Theorem Self-Assessment (Due on 11/1)
First Derivative Test Video (Due on 11/2)
First Derivative Test Self-Assessment (Due on 11/2)

Unit 5 - Analytical Applications Quiz (11/6)
Week 13
Second Derivative Test Video (Due on 11/8)
Second Derivative Test Self-Assessment (Due on 11/8)
Sketching Graphs and Their Derivatives Video (Due on 11/9)
Sketching Graphs and Their Derivatives Self-Assessment (Due on 11/9)

Week 14
Optimization Problems Video (Due on 11/15)
Optimization Problems Self-Assessment (Due on 11/15)
Unit 5 - Analytical Applications Test (11/19)
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15
Week 15 HW - 2018 AP Calculus AB MC (Due on 12/3)
Week 16

Week 16 HW - 2019 AP Calculus AB MC (Due on 12/10)
Week 17
AP Calculus AB Midterm
Christmas Break
Lifesize AP Calculus AB Meeting Code: 4918470
AP Calculus AB Cheat Sheet

AP Calculus AB - 2nd Semester
Unit 6 - Integration and the Accumulation of Change
Week 18

Accumulation of Change Video (Due on 1/4)
Accumulation of Change Self-Assessment (Due on 1/4)
Left & Right Riemann Sums Video (Due on 1/4)
Left & Right Riemann Sums Self-Assessment (Due on 1/4)
Midpoint & Trapezoidal Riemann Sums Video (Due on 1/5)

Midpoint & Trapezoidal Sums Self-Assess (Due on 1/5)
Unit 6 Integration Quiz (1/8)
Week 19
Integration Rules Video (Due on 1/10)
Integration Rules Self-Assessment (Due on 1/10)
Integration of Trig (& Other Functions) Video (Due 1/11)
Int of Trig (& Other Funct) Self-Assessment (Due 1/11)
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Video (Due on 1/12)
Fundamental Theorem Calc Self-Assessment (Due 1/12)
Week 20
Definite Integral as Limit of Riemann Sum Video (Due 1/18)
Definite Integral as Limit of RS Self-Assess (Due 1/18)
Definite Integral Video (Due on 1/18)
Definite Integral Self-Assessment (Due on 1/18)
Integration by u-substitution Video (Due on 1/19)
Integration by u-substitution Self-Assessment (Due 1/19)
Week 21
Definite Integration using u-substitution Video (Due 1/24)
Definite Int using u-substitution Self-Assess (Due 1/24)
Unit 6 Integration Test (1/29)
Unit 7 - Differential Equations
Week 22

Writing Differential Equations Video (Due on 1/31)
Writing Differential Eq Self-Assessment (Due on 1/31)
Verifying Solutions of Diff Eq Video (Due on 2/1)
Verifying Solutions to Diff Eq Self-Assessment (Due 2/1)
Sketching Slope Fields Video (Due on 2/2)

Sketching Slope Fields Self-Assessment (Due on 2/2)
Unit 7 Differential Equations Quiz (2/5)
Week 23
Separable Differential Equations Video (Due on 2/7)
Separable Differential Eq Self-Assessment (Due on 2/7)
Finding Particular Solutions of Diff Eq Video (Due 2/8)
Finding Particular Solutions Self-Assessment (Due 2/8)
Unit 7 Differential Equations Quiz (2/12)
Week 24
Exponential Models with Diff Eq Video (Due 2/14)
Exponential Models with Diff Eq Self-Assess (Due 2/14)
Unit 7 Differential Equations Test (2/19)
Unit 8 - Applications of Integration
Week 25

Average Value of a Function Video (Due on 2/21)
Average Value of a Function Self-Assess (Due 2/21)
Motion with Integration Video (Due on 2/22)
Motion with Integration Self-Assess (Due 2/22)
Integrals in Context Video (Due on 2/23)

Integrals in Context Self-Assessment (Due on 2/23)
Unit 8 Applications of Integration Quiz (2/26)
Week 26
Area Between a Curve and x-axis Video (Due on 2/28)
Area Between a Curve and x-axis Self-Assessment (Due on 2/28)
Area Between Two Curves Video (Due 3/1)
Area Between Two Curves Self-Assessment (Due 3/1)
Horizontal Area Between Curves (Due 3/2)
Horizontal Area Between Curves Self-Assessment (Due 3/2)

Unit 8 Applications of Integration Quiz (3/5)
Week 27
Volume by Disc Method Video (Due on 3/7)
Volume by Disc Method Self-Assess (Due on 3/7)
Volume by Washer Method Video (Due on 3/8)
Volume by Washer Method Self-Assess (Due on 3/8)
Volume Around Other Axes Video (Due on 3/9)
Volume Around Other Axes Self-Assess (Due on 3/9)

Unit 8 Applications of Integration Quiz (3/12)
Spring Break
Week 28
Volumes with Cross-Sections (Squares and Rectangles) Video (Due on 3/22)
Volumes with Cross-Sections (Squares and Rectangles) Self-Assess (Due on 3/22)
Volumes with Cross-Sections (Triangles and Semicircles) Video (Due on 3/23)
Volumes with Cross-Sections (Triangles and Semicircles) Self-Assess (Due on 3/23)

Unit 8 Applications of Integration Test (3/26)
AP Calculus AB Review
Unit 1 Review - Limits and Continuity
Unit 2 Review - Differentiation: Definition and Basic Derivative Rules
Unit 3 Review - Differentiation: Composite, Implicit, and Inverse Functions
Unit 4 Review - Contextual Applications of Differentiation
Unit 5 Review - Analytical Apps of Differentiation
Unit 5 Calculus Review Video
Unit 5 Calculus Sample AP Problems Video
Unit 6 Review - Integration & Accum of Change
Unit 6 Calculus Review Video
Unit 6 Calculus Sample AP Problems Video
Unit 7 Review - Differential Equations
Unit 7 Calculus Review & Sample AP Problems Video
Unit 8 Review - Applications of Integration
Unit 8 Calculus Review & Sample AP Problems Video

2019 AP Calculus AB #1 (15 min)
2019 AP Calculus AB #1 Video
2019 AP Calculus AB #2 (15 min)
2019 AP Calculus AB #2 Video
2019 AP Calculus AB #3 (15 min)
2019 AP Calculus AB #3 Video
2019 AP Calculus AB #4 (15 min)
2019 AP Calculus AB #4 Video
2019 AP Calculus AB #6 (15 min)
2019 AP Calculus AB #6 Video