My 100th Blog Post

  1. My 100th Blog Posts
  2. My 100th Blog Poster

Against my better judgment, Biscuit returns this week to celebrate the 100th post of this blog and address the worst ideas in COVID-19 medicine and science. In a week where science and medicine were overshadowed by remarkable social and political events, there was still no lack of bad medical ideas, poor science. and out and out fraud to choose from. We should acknowledge these remarkable misdeeds!

1) Picking vaccine winners and losers.Project “warp speed” chooses five different vaccines to support while abandoning several vaccines that had previously received large amounts of federal funding. If the vaccines had good enough ideas to receive hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding, why shouldn’t they at least be tried in humans before they are abandoned?

2) Make believe research organizations.A private practice surgeon makes up a “big data” research organization with three employees and a science fiction author as its chief scientist. He gets publications in some of the most respected medical journals in the world. When the data is questioned, he refuses to provide access and the papers are withdrawn after causing significant changes in COVID-19 medical care. What the hell is a “Surgisphere” anyway?

3) Disbanding the COVID-19 taskforce. Not surprisingly, it is hard to tell whether this is a good or bad idea! The three types of packaging. First meetings become less frequent, then Brent Giroir “stands down” and goes back to his old job. If a taskforce falls in the woods without a daily press conference will anyone notice?

4) People still injuring themselves from misusing and ingesting disinfectants.An online survey CDC in May showed 39% had misused cleaning products, and 25% reported “an adverse health effect that they believed was a result” of the products. Achillesfree flash games online. These included: 19% said they had used bleach on food; 18% said they had applied household cleaners to their skin; 10% said they had misted themselves with disinfectant sprays; 6% had inhaled vapors from cleaning products; and 4% had drunk or gargled diluted bleach solutions, soapy water, or other disinfectants. Please, try reading the bottle first!

5) WHO today finally suggests wearing masks in coronavirus “transmission” areas. What took them so long? Haven’t they been to Costco lately?

My 100th Blog Posts

My 100th WA Blog Post Last Update: March 13, 2020 It's hard to believe that this is my 100th WA blog post but it just caught my eye earlier in the week that I was writing number 99. If you told me when I joined back in May last year that I would have written 100 blog posts here, I would have laughed hysterically! To celebrate the 100th blog post and the New Year, I’ve decided to reveal my identity. When I thought of the best format for this identity reveal, I thought it would be fun to interview myself. So here we go: Who are you? Here in the US, we define ourselves by what we do for a living, so I guess I’m a surgeon. The first of three parts to my 100th blog post answers readers' and patients' questions about my background - growing up, college, medical school, orthopaedics, and biggest influences. Pop the champagne! Today is the publication of my hundredth (100th) blog post for My Cancer Journey. I still remember typing the inaugural post on November 25, 2015. That was the day I first discovered a suspicious lump on the right side of my neck. In many ways, it feels like yesterday. In other ways, it seems so very long ago.

My 100th Blog Post 5:21 AM to Read (Words) I can't believe this is my 100th blog post! I'm certainly glad that it's the blog and not my 100th birthday I'm celebrating.

6) CDC failures. Aged information technology, inward culture, and an absent leader all led to a CDC failure when the agency was needed the most. Adaptec afw-4300c.

My 100th Blog Poster

7) False scientific publications. It is bad enough that non-reviewed science gets passed around. Now articles in prestigious journal are based on fabricated data. Patients are treated with drugs that may harm them because of these papers. The authors of these publications who apparently did not even look at the actual data have to explain themselves, as do the Journal editors.

Journals, their editors and the article authors owe everyone, especially COVID-19 patients, an explanation.
My 100th blog posts

8) Worst idea of the week: not protecting the elderly from COVID-19. Europe has had 50% of its COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes, Canada may have over 80%. We don’t have to rehash the NYC nursing home fiasco. Didn’t someone get the message that these people were at risk?!

I never thought that I would ever make my 100th blog post let alone even have my blog for this long so I thought I’d kind of twist this blog post and make it into a mini thank you blog post kinda thing. When I started blogging I never ever thought I’d be making my 100th blog post let alone having my blog for this long. I have had my little moments when my blog stresses me out or something isn’t working like many other bloggers have but its all worth it in the end. I have also been lucky to do AD blog posts with some little brands and help some brands get noticed what to me in its self is a big goal. I have also been nominated by some wonderful bloggers for some amazing awards. Part of this I have also been lucky to help and support some amazing bloggers some who are new and others who have been doing this for a very long time. Some of the bloggers are people who read my blog and they have gone to make their own blogs and they are all amazing. The 2 things I’m most thankful for is all the support from you reading this and all the other amazing people who have supported me and a very big thank you to my amazing family for all the support they show me towards my blog without all of you I wouldn’t be sat at my computer getting this blog post done. I’ve also been able to team up with other bloggers and add them to my blog posts like “Lifestyle Bloggers To Follow And Why“. Blogging is amazing and every day I love blogging, even more, blogging is a great way for people to connect with one another and talk about whatever the blog post may be based on. As I’ve said over and over again thank you to every single one of you for all the love and support you show me and my blog and here is to the next 100 blog posts! P.S – On Tuesday I will start my new job down to this I may have to switch the blog post dates and times to work around work. I will let you all know the new blog date and time over on Twitter, Facebook Page, Instagram and SnapChat so keep a look out. My 100th Blog Post
