Mac Terminal Wifi Hack

  1. Mac Terminal Wifi Hack
  2. Mac Terminal Hack Wifi Password

Wireless networks are accessible to anyone within the router’s transmission radius. This makes them vulnerable to attacks. Hotspots are available in public places such as airports, restaurants, parks, etc.

In this tutorial, we will introduce you to common techniques used to exploit weaknesses in wireless network security implementations. We will also look at some of the countermeasures you can put in place to protect against such attacks.

Topics covered in this tutorial

Guys in this tutorial I am going to show you how to get password of saved wifi iilike my video stay updated by subscribing this. To hack the wifi password with WEP/WPA2. This is done by following command on the terminal. This will trigger the router to reconnect/reauthenticate the chosen client. This is how the authentication process can be analyzed. On the terminal with airodump- ng running, a 'WPA handshake' message should appear. On macOS, open up the Spotlight search (Cmd+Space) and type terminal to get the Mac equivalent of a command prompt. Type the following, replacing the Xs with the network name.

What is a wireless network?

A wireless network is a network that uses radio waves to link computers and other devices together. The implementation is done at the Layer 1 (physical layer) of the OSI model.

How to access a wireless network?

You will need a wireless network enabled device such as a laptop, tablet, smartphones, etc. You will also need to be within the transmission radius of a wireless network access point. Most devices (if the wireless network option is turned on) will provide you with a list of available networks. If the network is not password protected, then you just have to click on connect. If it is password protected, then you will need the password to gain access.

Wireless Network Authentication

Since the network is easily accessible to everyone with a wireless network enabled device, most networks are password protected. Let’s look at some of the most commonly used authentication techniques.


WEP is the acronym for Wired Equivalent Privacy. It was developed for IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards. Its goal was to provide the privacy equivalent to that provided by wired networks. WEP works by encrypting the data been transmitted over the network to keep it safe from eavesdropping.

WEP Authentication

Open System Authentication (OSA) – this methods grants access to station authentication requested based on the configured access policy.

Shared Key Authentication (SKA) – This method sends to an encrypted challenge to the station requesting access. The station encrypts the challenge with its key then responds. If the encrypted challenge matches the AP value, then access is granted.

WEP Weakness

WEP has significant design flaws and vulnerabilities.

  • The integrity of the packets is checked using Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC32). CRC32 integrity check can be compromised by capturing at least two packets. The bits in the encrypted stream and the checksum can be modified by the attacker so that the packet is accepted by the authentication system. This leads to unauthorized access to the network.
  • WEP uses the RC4 encryption algorithm to create stream ciphers. The stream cipher input is made up of an initial value (IV) and a secret key. The length of the initial value (IV) is 24 bits long while the secret key can either be 40 bits or 104 bits long. The total length of both the initial value and secret can either be 64 bits or 128 bits long.The lower possible value of the secret key makes it easy to crack it.
  • Weak Initial values combinations do not encrypt sufficiently. This makes them vulnerable to attacks.
  • WEP is based on passwords; this makes it vulnerable to dictionary attacks.
  • Keys management is poorly implemented. Changing keys especially on large networks is challenging. WEP does not provide a centralized key management system.
  • The Initial values can be reused

Because of these security flaws, WEP has been deprecated in favor of WPA


WPA is the acronym for Wi-Fi Protected Access. It is a security protocol developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance in response to the weaknesses found in WEP. It is used to encrypt data on 802.11 WLANs. It uses higher Initial Values 48 bits instead of the 24 bits that WEP uses. It uses temporal keys to encrypt packets.

WPA Weaknesses

  • The collision avoidance implementation can be broken
  • It is vulnerable to denial of service attacks
  • Pre-shares keys use passphrases. Weak passphrases are vulnerable to dictionary attacks.

How to Crack Wireless Networks

WEP cracking

Cracking is the process of exploiting security weaknesses in wireless networks and gaining unauthorized access. WEP cracking refers to exploits on networks that use WEP to implement security controls. There are basically two types of cracks namely;

  • Passive cracking– this type of cracking has no effect on the network traffic until the WEP security has been cracked. It is difficult to detect.
  • Active cracking– this type of attack has an increased load effect on the network traffic. It is easy to detect compared to passive cracking. It is more effective compared to passive cracking.

WEP Cracking Tools

  • Aircrack– network sniffer and WEP cracker. Can be downloaded from
  • WEPCrack– this is an open source program for breaking 802.11 WEP secret keys. It is an implementation of the FMS attack.
  • Kismet- this can include detector wireless networks both visible and hidden, sniffer packets and detect intrusions.
  • WebDecrypt– this tool uses active dictionary attacks to crack the WEP keys. It has its own key generator and implements packet filters.

WPA Cracking

WPA uses a 256 pre-shared key or passphrase for authentications. Short passphrases are vulnerable to dictionary attacks and other attacks that can be used to crack passwords. The following tools can be used to crack WPA keys.

  • CowPatty– this tool is used to crack pre-shared keys (PSK) using brute force attack.
  • Cain & Abel– this tool can be used to decode capture files from other sniffing programs such as Wireshark. The capture files may contain WEP or WPA-PSK encoded frames.

General Attack types

  • Sniffing– this involves intercepting packets as they are transmitted over a network. The captured data can then be decoded using tools such as Cain & Abel.
  • Man in the Middle (MITM) Attack– this involves eavesdropping on a network and capturing sensitive information.
  • Denial of Service Attack– the main intent of this attack is to deny legitimate users network resources. FataJack can be used to perform this type of attack. More on this in article

Cracking Wireless network WEP/WPA keys

It is possible to crack the WEP/WPA keys used to gain access to a wireless network. Doing so requires software and hardware resources, and patience. The success of such attacks can also depend on how active and inactive the users of the target network are.

We will provide you with basic information that can help you get started. Backtrack is a Linux-based security operating system. It is developed on top of Ubuntu. Backtrack comes with a number of security tools. Backtrack can be used to gather information, assess vulnerabilities and perform exploits among other things.

Some of the popular tools that backtrack has includes;

  • Metasploit
  • Wireshark
  • Aircrack-ng
  • NMap
  • Ophcrack

Cracking wireless network keys requires patience and resources mentioned above. At a minimum, you will need the following tools

A wireless network adapter with the capability to inject packets (Hardware)

  • Kali Operating System. You can download it from here
  • Be within the target network’s radius. If the users of the target network are actively using and connecting to it, then your chances of cracking it will be significantly improved.
  • Sufficient knowledge of Linux based operating systems and working knowledge of Aircrack and its various scripts.
  • Patience, cracking the keys may take a bit of sometime depending on a number of factors some of which may be beyond your control. Factors beyond your control include users of the target network using it actively as you sniff data packets.

How to Secure wireless networks

In minimizing wireless network attacks; an organization can adopt the following policies

  • Changing default passwords that come with the hardware
  • Enabling the authentication mechanism
  • Access to the network can be restricted by allowing only registered MAC addresses.
  • Use of strong WEP and WPA-PSK keys, a combination of symbols, number and characters reduce the chance of the keys been cracking using dictionary and brute force attacks.
  • Firewall Software can also help reduce unauthorized access.

Hacking Activity: Crack Wireless Password

In this practical scenario, we are going touse Cain and Abel to decode the stored wireless network passwords in Windows. We will also provide useful information that can be used to crack the WEP and WPA keys of wireless networks.

Decoding Wireless network passwords stored in Windows

  • Download Cain & Abel from the link provided above.
  • Open Cain and Abel
  • Ensure that the Decoders tab is selected then click on Wireless Passwords from the navigation menu on the left-hand side
  • Click on the button with a plus sign
  • Assuming you have connected to a secured wireless network before, you will get results similar to the ones shown below
  • The decoder will show you the encryption type, SSID and the password that was used.


  • Wireless network transmission waves can be seen by outsiders, this possesses many security risks.
  • WEP is the acronym for Wired Equivalent Privacy. It has security flaws which make it easier to break compared to other security implementations.
  • WPA is the acronym for Wi-Fi Protected Access. It has security compared to WEP
  • Intrusion Detection Systems can help detect unauthorized access
  • A good security policy can help protect a network.

In this hi-tech life, we always need a working internet connection to manage both our professional and personal life. The most comfortable way to access internet everywhere anytime is by buying mobile data recharges but they are very expensive. Another good way to connect to free WiFi if it’s luckily available at your workplace, college or home. But everyone is not that lucky.

Everybody might have many fast WiFi hotspots available in their smartphone’s range, but they don’t have access to those WiFi connections because they are password protected and you don’t have access to them so, you can’t use those WiFi hotspot to access internet in your smartphone or laptop. But, what if you can hack a WiFi?

Yes, I am not joking. What if you can hack any WiFi available in your range and crack it’s password to access free and unlimited internet? IMO, if you can learn a way to hack a WiFi network then you can access free internet everywhere. Right?

So, I am telling you the method to hack a secured WiFi network, crack its password and enjoy free internet using it.

Before moving directly to the methods to hack WiFi networks lets first see what type of security and authentication methods are implemented in WiFi networks.

WiFi Security & Encryption Methods

  • Open – This is WiFi networks with no authentication. Anyone in the WiFi range can connect his device to the network without any password in enjoy free internet. However, these networks are rarely available and also risky.
  • WEP – Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a security protocol, specified in the IEEE Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) standard, 802.11b, that is designed to provide a wireless local area network (WLAN) with a level of security and privacy comparable to what is usually expected of a wired LAN.
  • WPA – WiFi Protected Access (WPA) is improved and more secured security protocol which arrived with lots of improvements in encryption and authentication methods of WEP.
  • WPA2 PSK – It is short of Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 – Pre-Shared Key which is the latest and most powerful encryption method used in WiFi networks right now.

Hacking WiFi Networks with WEP, WPA and WPA2 PSK Security

As security features have been improved from WEP to WPA to WPA2 PSK WiFi authentication protocol, so obviously, WEP WiFi networks are very easy to hack compared to WPA and WPA2 PSK Security methods.

Almost every password-protected WiFi networks support both WPA/WPA2 PSK authentication. If somebody is already connected to the network, you can check in his network properties to see what encryption-type is being using by the targeted WiFi network.

But if you want to know encryption-type of WiFi network which is not connected to any device in your reach, you need Ubuntu operating system to do this.

In Ubuntu, you can use nmcli command in terminal which is command-line client for NetworkManager. It will show you security types of nearby Wi-Fi access points. Enter the following command in terminal:

It will show you the output like this:

Using the above methods, you should have known the encryption-type of targeted WiFi network which you want to hack. So, I am gonna show you how to hack WiFi Network for each of WEP, WPA and WPA2 PSK secured WiFi networks.

WifiMac terminal wifi hacker

Requirements for Hacking WiFi Netwoks

My methods require KALI Linux which is especially designed Linux distrbution for penetration testing and ethical hacking. You can download it for free from its official site. Download Kali Linux ISO from its website either install it as separate operating system in your system or you can use Virtual Machine/VMware to directly run KALI Linux inside Windows.

You will also need Aircrack-ng which is a security suite to assess WiFi network security. It focuses on different area of WiFi security: monitoring, attacking, testing and cracking.

Another important requirement is to check if your wireless card is compatible with Aircrack-ng or not. Because if it’s not compatible, you need to have an Aircrack-ng compatible card. Check it directly here: or run aireplay-ng -9 mon0 command inside terminal to view the percentage of injection your card can do.

Install Aircrack-ng using the following command in KALI LINUX

  • sudo apt-cache search aircrack-ng (to seach aircrack-ng or any related repositories)
  • sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng (to install aircrack-ng repository)

Fulfill only these requirements and you are ready to hack any WiFi network, whether it is a WEP, WPA or WPA2 PSK Wi-Fi.

Steps to hack WiFi Networks

Starting below, I’ll be guiding you step-by-step in hacking a secured WiFi network. You can either scroll down to read each and every WiFi hacking method or can directly jump to the required section below using these links:

There are various methods to hack into WiFi network and crack its password for all the above security-types but I am showing only those methods with which I’ve had success in cracking password of desired WiFi network and hack secured WiFi Access points. So, if you follow these steps correctly, you’ll also be able to hack any WiFi hotspot available in your reach.

How To Hack WEP WiFi Network

In this method, we are going to hack WEP secured WiFi network using packet injection method inside KALI Linux operating system. So, start KALI Linux in your system. Now follow these below steps:

Step 1: Check Wireless Interface

  • Open terminal in Kali Linux and enter the command airmon-ng. It will show you what network interface are you using. In my system, I have only one network interface card wlan0, which is my wireless interface card.
  • Create a network interface which runs in monitor mode. To do this enter command airmon-ng start wlan0.Make sure to replace wlan0 in command with the interface name that your card have. Here, mon0 has been created.
  • Now, you might or might not get the warning appearing in the below screenshot which tells other processes using the network which can create the problem. So, you can kill them using the syntax: kill PID if you know those processes are not important for you at the moment.

Step 2: Scan available WEP WiFi networks

  • Now, enter the command airodump-ng mon0 to scan & list down all the available WiFi networks using created monitor interface (mon0). It can take time to all the available WiFi networks in range.
  • Once the process is done,all the available WiFi access points will appear with their important details: BSSID (WiFi Access Point MAC Address), PWR (Signal strength value; the lower, the better), CH (Channel for WiFi), ENC (Encryption type), AUTH, ESSID (Name of WiFi)
  • Select the WiFi network with WEP Encryption (ENC) and lowest PWR value.

Step 3: Attack the selected WEP WiFi Network

  • Open another terminal concurrently and enter command: aidodump-ng -c 1 -w bell –bssid 64:0F:28:6B:A9:B1 mon0. Here, -c 1 indicates channel number which is 1, -w bell is to write data in file “bell”, –bssid 64:0F:28:6B:A9:B1 is MAC address for my selected WiFi access point and mon0 is monitor interface that was created above. Hit Enter and it will start sending packets (visible in #Data) to the WiFi
  • The speed of sending data is very slow but you need to escalate it by attacking the WEP WiFi network. First enter the command airplay-ng -1 0 -a 64:0F:28:6B:A9:B1 mon0 to perform fake authentication (-1 in command) to the network.
  • Now we will perform ARP REPLAY Attack to the WiFi network to climb the data to the network at enormous rate. Useairplay-ng -3 -b 64:0F:28:6B:A9:B1 mon0, where -3 is for ARP REPLAY attack. Hit enter and the command will start doing attack to WEP WiFi Access point and you can see the #Data value increasing at enormously fast rate.
  • In below screenshot the bell-01.cap is the file where data is being stored that we will use to crack the password of this WEP WiFi network once we have enough data (recommended #Data value should be over 35,000).
  • Once you have enough data in the file bell-01.cap, run the command aircrack-ng bell-01.cap. It will test all the data values available in key file and automatically show you the key it found by testing data in file.
  • You can see in above screenshot that we have successfully cracked the password of targeted WEP WiFi network
  • The key found will not be in those text or alphanumeric format that the WiFi owner has created. It will be in hex format but work just fine.
  • Now, to use this key, firstly start the processes you have killed in Step 1 above using the command I have used below.
  • Finally enter the cracked key 61:32:58:94:98 (without colon) as the password of targeted WEP WiFi Network and it will be connected.

Steps to Hack WPA/WPA2 Secured WiFi Network

Hacking into WPA/WPA2 WiFi Network is very tough, time & resource consuming. The technique used to crack WPA/WPA2 WiFi password is 4-way handshake for which there is a requirement to have at least one device connected to the network.

In WPA/WPA2 security method, the allowed password can have both large and small alphabets, numbers and symbols. And, allowed size of password is 64 characters. On a rough guess, if we consider password to be only 8 characters long and eliminate the use of symbols even then if you want to crack WPA or WPA2 WiFi password, using the brute force method the password combinations will be: 826+26+10=62 which is equals to:

  • 98079714615416886934934209737619787751599303819750539264

So, even in fastest computer you can manage to use, it’s going to take hours.

Aircrack-ng have all the tools required to crack into WPA/WPA2 PSK WiFi network. It can perform 4-way handshake by disconnecting/connecting the connected device and capturing WPA handshake. It can perform brute-force attack but you can’t hope to crack the password if you have wordlist/dictionary for the password (which is already too big in size) with password inside it. I hate to tell you this but yes, doing it on your own can take forever.

However, there is a tricky way to crack WPA/WPA2 WiFi Password quickly which only requires you to be a bit lucky. The tool is fluxion. Fluxion use same 4-way handshake technique to crack secured WPA/WPA2 WiFi access points password but it doesn’t require you to have dictionary or perform brute force attack. So yes, it’s going to minimize your time to hack WPA or WPA2 WiFi networks password multiple folds.

Instead of doing this, it performs a little bit of phishing where the already connected user is asked to enter password of WiFi network again for security reason and when the user enter the password, first the handshake is checked with the earlier captured handshake of the device, if handshake is correct that means the password entered by user is correct. Once it is successful, Fluxion returns the key required to authenticate the network.

Steps to crack WPA/WPA2 WiFi Password using Fluxion

  • Scan the networks.
  • Capture a handshake (can’t be used without a valid handshake, it’s necessary to verify the password)
  • Use WEB Interface *
  • Launch a FakeAP instance to imitate the original access point
  • Spawns a MDK3 process, which deauthenticates all users connected to the target network, so they can be lured to connect to the FakeAP and enter the WPA password.
  • A fake DNS server is launched in order to capture all DNS requests and redirect them to the host running the script
  • A captive portal is launched in order to serve a page, which prompts the user to enter their WPA password
  • Each submitted password is verified by the handshake captured earlier
  • The attack will automatically terminate, as soon as a correct password is submitted

I can understand that not all readers will be able to implement the method after reading such summarized version on hacking WPA/WPA2 PSK WiFi Network. So, below is the video tutorial on cracking WPA2 WiFi Access Point password using Fluxion.

Mac Terminal Wifi Hack

Comments below if you face any problem in hacking WEP, WPA and WPA2 PSK WiFi Networks using the above methods.

Mac Terminal Hack Wifi Password

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