Learn To Fly 2

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  • Buy the phoenix feather in the bonus shop and next time you fly when you land you will get shot back up in the air, then get the medal. The Easy Way - (Learn the secret by completing story mode) Click on the birds beak at the main menu 8. Click on the medal.
  • Learn to Fly 2, Upgrade your gear to get as far as you can. Slam into snowmen and icebergs. Jam packed with ads.

Learn to Fly 2 Learn to Fly series. Webgame Full-game Leaderboard Level Leaderboard View all Snowman Mound Mountain Iceberg Brick% Guides Resources Discord.

Learn to fly 2 download

We're trying to get some mobile games up and running, but unfortunately our flash games don't work on phone or tablet. How about some hilarious science jokes instead?

Learn To Fly 2 Penguin

You're a penguin, you learned how to fly.. but then icebergs stopped you and crushed your dreams. Now you're back for revenge!

How to Play

Learn To Fly 2 Kongregate

Use the arrow keys to change the angle of your penguin. Collect money for boosters and upgrades by flying longer, faster, and farther and unlocking achievements. Use your boosters by pressing the spacebar.

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