Gr 8 (2)mac Drama

a positive role model for other students

Gr 8 (2)mac drama eng

Drama graded exams (until May 2021) Drama graded exams (until May 2021) Acting and Speaking. Musical Theatre. Performance Arts. Communication Skills. Gr 8 MYP Drama Characteristaion. Guiding Question: What is Real? The students look at creating a characters through Characterisation Stanislavski's techniques.

actively participates in physical activities



Ana Paula


applies appropriate movement principles in order to refine their skills


applies physical fitness concepts and practices that contribute to a healthy lifestyle



Gr 8 (2)mac Drama Thora Sa Haq


can describe the impact of various diseases and health conditions (e.g., diabetes) on making healthy food choices

can explain how the ability to transfer skills and strategies from one activity to another activity can facilitate their participation in recreational activities

can explain the factors of urbanization

Gr 8 (2)mac Drama 1

can identify approaches to reduce the amount of time that they spend sitting or not moving

can identify patterns of human settlement

can identify the factors that influence population distribution and land use

can provide support to someone who is dealing with a stressful situation by actively listening

can understand the warning signs and prevention strategies of common illnesses


communication is clear and precise

completes assignments in the time allotted


Gr 8 (2)mac Drama

consistently displays good sportsmanship

Gr 8 (2)mac Drama Eng

consistently encourages others

consitently progressing

8th Grade Drama

This is going to be a fun year of developing new friendships, taking risks, challenging our creativity and working hard as a group to create dramatic works of art. I am looking forward to our time together as a theater class.

We will begin this course with various theater improvisation games. These games are designed to prepare you for working together as a strong ensemble and are a fun way of developing solid acting techniques. This will be followed by a unit on vocal projection and articulation. A mime unit will help you to develop an articulate and expressive body and will enable you to make physical character choices when performing spoken theater.

The year will conclude with an ensemble-based production that we will perform for a peer and public audience

Our first performance project will be to write and perform personal speeches based on what you believe in. We will follow the curriculum created by National Public Radio's program 'This I Believe'. To find out more about this program follow this link:

I look forward to a great year in 8th grade drama. Please feel free to come to me with any questions or suggestions you may have about this class.

Click on 'Middle School Productions' to see photos of past 8th grade performances.