Advanced Site Statistics

Advanced High School Statistics. AHSS is designed to align with the AP® Statistics curriculum and is widely used in high school and 2 year colleges. Google Analytics is Google's free statistics package, originally based off the Urchin Software. For webmasters to make use of Google Analytics you would normally need to insert some Javascript containing the unique Google Analytics account number (in the format UA-XXXXXX-X) in to the header or footer of every page. Is it better to download torrent or zip files. This could be achieved by editing the Drupal template page.tpl.php. Advanced Web Ranking Overview icon Google data icon Ranking icon Competitive intel icon Comparison icon Visibility icon Reports icon Settings icon Collapse menu icon. The framework also encourages instruction that prepares students for advanced coursework in statistics or other fields using statistical reasoning and for active, informed engagement with a world of data to be interpreted appropriately and applied wisely to make informed decisions.

  1. Advanced Site Statistics Definition
  2. Advanced Site Statistics Definition
  3. Advanced Site Statistics Online

TraceWatch Real Time Web Stats and Traffic Analysis Lets you keep track of the visitors to your website in real time with detailed statistics and deep analysis using an innovative user interface for FREE and helps you make your website more effective. Bubblesadcock games by: austin adcock. Avalanche watermelon gaming headset. Can be easily installed on any website supporting PHP and MySQL (see for info). You only need to upload some files to your server.


  • True Real Time web stats report
  • Private or public stats pages
  • Invisible no interference with your pages, no Javascript (You can still use Javascript code for your non-PHP pages)
  • Fast Loading Web Based stats pages accessible from anywhere
  • Fast and Easy Installation on any server supporting PHP/MySQL
  • Innovative Usable user interface
  • Customizable you can easy change almost any functionality and feature based on your needs in the administration page
  • Multi-Language Bulgarian, Dutch, German, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian
  • Full unicode and UTF-8 support
  • All for FREE

Web Stats

Advanced Site Statistics Definition

  • General: Unique Visitors, New Visitors, Sessions, Page Views, Hourly and Weekday Distribution, Robot Page Views, Average Pview/Visitor, Average UVisitor/Day, Average PView/Day, Average UVisitor/Hour, Average PView/Hour
  • Referrers: Grouped by domain with full URLS, search engine keywords and more..
  • Countries: Determined using direct IP to country conversion instead of inaccurate inverse lookup method
  • Pages: Separate hit stats for each page
  • Robots: Hits of a certain page by a certain Robot
  • Browsers: Most known browsers with full user-agent strings
  • Custom Data: Define your own data and counters

Advanced Site Statistics Definition

For all data above you get..

  • Daily, monthly, all-time reports available side by side for comparison
  • Full stats history
  • Bar and line graphs of the history with zoom feature
  • Search in latest visitors
  • and more ..

Path Analysis

  • Determine quality of your navigation system
  • Find out what goes on in your visitor's mind
  • How effective a certain referrer or page is
  • Compare paths
  • Determine entry pages and exit pages
  • and more ..

Latest Visitor

  • Full information about latest visitors
  • Exact path passed by each visitor
  • Time spent on each page
  • Client and proxy IP addresses and domains
  • Search for specific visitors
  • Search for a certain IP address
  • and more ..

Multiple Websites

  • Track visitors to multiple website with only one installation of TraceWatch.
  • Get separate web stats for multiple websites from a single interface.
  • Get merged web stats for multiple websites.
  • Count pages on a remote website with PHP or Javascript code.
  • Count different folders on a single website as different websites.
  • and more ..

Advanced Site Statistics Online

Other Features

  • Fetch web stats to show on your web pages with an easy to use PHP API
  • Well optimized database queries, little overhead on the server
  • Full control over size of data in database
  • Error log
  • Adjust time-zone difference
  • Adjust first day of week
  • and more ..