7 Tools For Making Newsletters

  1. 7 Tools For Making Newsletters At Home
  2. 7 Tools For Making Newsletters Online
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Nowadays, newsletters and mailing creation is pretty easy. There are lost of tools that can make the work of designers and programmers much easier. Many of them are really easy to use and don’t require any technical knowledge, putting professional-quality work within everyone's reach. Use newsletter design tools to take care of the appearance portion. Photograph tools also enable marketers to create unique content to boost conversions. Email newsletter analysis tools allow marketing teams to determine which techniques they should continue to use as they generate more newsletters for email use.

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Whether you are a beginner or an ace writer, it’s always a wise decision to refresh our writing skills by reading writing tips and tricks. In this blog, we will share top eight essentials for a successful email newsletter along with its implication.

1. Creative, yet creative Subject Lines

Most of the email recipients do a quick scan by just reading your subject line. So, if at all you wish to increase open rates and CTRs, then stimulate email receiver with eye-catchy and unique subject lines. This will entice your email receiver to open your email message. Make sure that you keep subject line not more than five words with crisp and catchy words.

2. Segment Your Audience

Do your homework about existing customer and prospects in order to segment email list accordingly. The success of your email campaigns is highly depends how on how well you have understood your customer and their buying behaviour.

Before you curate any email campaign make sure that you are rightly aware about whom you are writing this email to, their background, why did they subscribe, and what would be their expectation from this email. This will help you to send out customized and personalised email message with your recipients’ personality, interest, and expectation.

3. Continuous Conversation

Email marketing is more than just sending a promotional or self-promoting mails. It’s all about conversing with your existing customers and prospects. By sending them email messages frequently will keep them engaged and thus helps you to develop a strong customer relationship.

7 Tools For Making Newsletters

Make sure you don not keep long gap of one or two months as it these time lapse may tend users to forget why they subscribed or they might even mark you as spam or unsubscribe you for the same.

4. Informative Content

For a successful email marketing you must think beyond just sending a few occasional sales or promotional emails. Make sure your email campaigns are not full of self-promotion. Keep your readers interested by including informative or entertaining or problem solving content in your email message. If your email content is focused on your customers interest then they are more likely to share the same on social media too. Make sure your email message has not more than 10% of promotional content and rest of the 90 % must contain latest news, events, or address their pain points.

5. Design & Layout

Irrespective to whatever email marketing services you use, make sure that you create a template design meeting your business and marketing requirements. Whichever email marketing service you choose, set up template designs for the types of emails you send. Popular email marketing services like MailChimp, Constant Contact, and others allow you create and save your template designs. For sending an email newsletter on a regular basis, make sure that the template includes your company logo, colors, and font style in order to give professional look.

6. Social Media Integration

By including social media icons of your networks in your email message, you allow your audience to connect with you in more than one way. You can place your social media buttons, links to your website, email address and other contacts either at the bottom or on your right section of your email message.

7. Send Mobile-Friendly Emails

On an average, more than 75 per cent of email recipient’s check their emails on their mobile and less than 12 per cent of emails has a responsive template designed specifically for mobile devices. Make it easy for your email readers to interact with you via their smartphone by ensuring your emails are mobile friendly.

8. Eye-Catchy CTA Button

The main objective of sending an email to your customers is to stimulate them to take desired action like follow you, share your content, register for free trial, or participate in contest. So before ending your email make sure it contain an eye-catch CTA which compels your email receiver to take action.

No matter what your market niche, a professional looking email newsletter can boost your business and improve your image. Companies use newsletters to communicate with customers, get the word out about new products and services and build their brands. Smart companies know that newsletters work, and they strive to make every new newsletter an improvement on the last one.

That is why it is so important for business owners to use professional tools when designing their newsletters. A poorly designed newsletter will do nothing for your reputation or your brand – the goal is to make your company look good.

Luckily, there are plenty of free tools available to help you create a professional newsletter. You do not have to break the bank or learn complicated programming languages to create a professional looking newsletter from the ground up. All you need is some simple tools, like a quality image editor and HTML editor.

7 Tools For Making Newsletters At Home

In order to design a newsletter or a promotional email and to look professional you will need to use some tools, like a good image editor and HTML editor. Listed below are 7 great tools you can use to make your email newsletters stand out from the crowd.

1. KompoZer – we can start with KompoZer, a free alternative to the costly Macromedia Dreamweaver product. KompoZer can be found on the web at KompoZer.net. The program is a full-featured web authoring system and web file management. KompoZer uses WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) web page editing, so even beginners can get great results.

2. Pixlr – Pixlr is another great tool for email newsletters. Great email newsletters need to have great images, and that is where Pixlr comes in. This program is one of the most popular online photo editors, and companies can use it to optimize and enhance the photos and images they want to include in their newsletters and other marketing products. Pixlr can be found online at pixlr.com.

3. Inkscape – Every newsletter creator needs a quality graphics editor, but businesses do not have to spend hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars on an expensive program. Inscape is an open-source vector graphics editor whose capabilities are similar to expensive programs like CorelDraw and Illustrator. Available for free at Inscape.org, the program supports a number of advanced SVG features like alpha blending, clones and markers. The program is very easy to use, even for non-technical people.

4. Notepad++ – A good text editor is essential for creating a quality email newsletter, and Notepad++ is one of the best. Notepad++ has many capabilities missing from the free Notepad that comes standard on Windows computer, making it easy to edit text and try out different formats. Newsletter editors can find this powerful program at Notepad-plus-plus.org.

5.Word2cleanhtml – Even though it is not recommended, some newsletter editors like to create their text in Microsoft Word. While this is not the optimal way to do it, Word enthusiasts can still get great results with the free Word2cleanhtml tool. Just like the name implies, this product, available online at Word2cleanhtml.com, converts Word documents into clean HTML ready for publishing.

6. HTML Email Boilerplate – this amazing tool is the perfect starting point when coding HTML. The program contains many common email code fixes, making it a good choice for both technically savvy and non-savvy newsletter editors. The website also includes a handy feedback section where users can share their tips and bug fixes.

7. Inline Styler – It is very important for your CSS to be inline, and this handy program makes it easy. Available for free, this program is a must have for any email newsletter creator.

These free and easy to use tools make it easy for even a beginner to create winning professionally designed email newsletters. Instead of spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on expensive and hard to use programs, you can simply download these free tools to your computer and start creating newsletters that get results.

7 Tools For Making Newsletters Online

Once you have used these tools to create a great newsletter, you are ready to import the results of your hard work into SendBlaster. Simply open the program, select the Compose panel and choose “Import HTML from external file” in the Open tab. The free version of our bulk email software allows users to send up to 100 emails at the same time – a perfect solution for small email lists.